The Misery Loves Co. The most dramatic theater troupe.

The Misery Loves Co. The most dramatic theater troupe.

Client & Team
Personal Exploration


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This was inspired by the song Misery Loves Company by Shark Attack. I wanted a way to make a type lock-up that made sense with the title and sharks. Some how landed on The Masters golf logo. I know not sharks but gators (think Happy Gilmore) and a sense of the ridiculous. Added a tear drop to the Co. because this is a group whose motto is cry now and later.


Selected Works 2021 – 2022

DanteIllustration & Design

Danger DangerIllustration, Design & Typography

Deja DuchampIllustration & Design

NomadsIllustration & Design

Icuras Motor SpeedwayIllustration, Design & Typography

Killroy Was HereIllustration & Design

Iris CobraIllustration & Design

Midnight MauradersIllustration & Design

V&V Bad Motor FingerIllustration, Design & Typography

WAHBWNAT CardsIllustration & Design & Typography

DestroyerIllustration & Design

Fantasia AnastasiaIllustration, Design & Typography

AlienIllustration, Design & Typography

Illustration NoirIllustration

Zing Zang Zip ZingerIllustration, Design & Typography

Vance ValorIllustration, Design & Typography

Negative CreepIllustration, Design & Typography

WAHBWNAT No.5Illustration & Design

EraserIllustration, Design & Typography

Madam AdamIllustration, Design & Typography

Bootlegger TeesT-Shirt Design & Illustration

Maison OtisIllustration, Design & Typography

Only In DreamsIllustration & Design

Eye for an EyeIllustration, Design & Typography

LilyIllustration & Design

DriscollsIllustration, Design & Typography

Basik 10th AnniversaryIllustration & Design & Typography

Moshpit on Your ToenailsIllustration, Design & Typography

Hateful8Illustration & Design

Grave DiggazIllustration, Design & Typography

1800 Void NowIllustration, Design & Typography

Eyes without a FaceIllustration & Design

CyborgIllustration, Design & Typography

NightmaresIllustration, Design & Typography

The Sometimes Subtle...Illustration, Design & Typography

BronsonIllustration, Design & Typography

The Moment Our Malady MirroredIllustration & Design

BioTechIllustration, Design & Typography

Definitely ForeverIllustration, Design & Typography

Record SleevesIllustration, Design & Typography

20 EyesIllustration

Cal 11 NewsIllustration, Design & Typography

Omni LogoIllustration, Design & Typography

Learning PatienceIllustration & Design


31 Lynncrest Drive
Stratford CT 06614

© Nick C. Corey  2025